Meet the Thinker Team!

This page is still undergoing editing
Why did we create the blog?
Thinker 1,2, and 3 are three people with three very broad fields of likes and interests. We like randomness, we own the word awesome, and we have a crazy knack for getting lost on rabbit trails. We figured that with the time we could scrounge up, that we should share our out-of-the-blue, sometimes useless, knowledge with other people! That turned into sharing our humor and likes with you all. 

Why you only know that we're crazy and hardly nothing else- STRANGER DANGER ...'nough said. :) 

Thinker 1- I like the color green (with a slight passion), anything Jane Austen (with a major passion), and bacon (which goes beyond passion). My love for writing is even greater then my love of bacon. I'm currently under a country music phase.

Thinker 2- I love the color pink, anything to do with science, and fruit!!!!!! I also love writing and am EXTREMELY glad Thinker1 is under a country music phase! I believe that stuff is the bomb diggity!

Thinker 3- M.I.A 

 the three stooges
charlies angles
the three musketeers 
the good, the bad, the ugly
hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
snap, crackle, pop

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You have the freedom of speech which means you can say what you like. But we have the freedom to delete nastiness. So watch what you say ;)