Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Monday!

Good morning my little RandomThinkerites...randomthinkerettes... randomthinkerangelos... uhh... well shoot. Now that I think of it, we need to come up with a name for you! Random Thinkers won't do because there'd be about 33 (and counting) of you and we're already the RandomThinkers so calling you peoples the RandomThinkers just simply won't work. Can you see our dilemma? YOU NEED A COOL NAME! If anybody has any suggestions, it'd be much appreciated :D

Okay so back to how great this Monday morning is. You want to know why it's so great? Because it's the beginning of a new week! It's a clean slate! :D I've always loved Mondays, but apparently not everyone else does. So I found some he-lar-ee-ous pictures for you all :) Have a RANDOM Monday! How do you feel about the beginning of the week?

Oh and check out Totally My Tales where I won a contest! :D  Check out my poetic (*cough* ...) words and find out what my definition of a home is! More people should enter next time. 

1 comment:

  1. How about if you call your readers Thinkerees? Haha, get it? I guess Mondays are okay for me. Thanks for advertising my blog on yours. :)


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