Saturday, June 18, 2011

Who Said It- Here's Lookin' At You Kid...

How To Play:
I give you a quote from a movie and you guess who said it. Either the name of the actor or the name of the character.
No cheating. Using Google search engine is not encouraged. If you'd like to use another source, rather than your noggin', I'd suggest a friend or family member to help you out or a book of sorts. Just no looking for it through a search engine.

Who Said It?
"Here's lookin' at you, kid."


  1. hmmmm.....can I have a hint? lol:)

  2. lol I don't even know the answer.

    - Thinker2

  3. it's from an old classic movie :D

  4. I know, I know! Rick, as played by Humphrey Bogart, in Casablanca, one of the greatest movies of all time!

  5. YOU GOT IT!!! Bravo!!! A LOT of good lines come from that movie.


You have the freedom of speech which means you can say what you like. But we have the freedom to delete nastiness. So watch what you say ;)