Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rick and The Peanut


Based on the old nursery rhyme called "Found a Peanut."

One day, Rick went home from work early. He had just met with the companies’ peanut client and wasn’t feeling so well.

Once he got home he fell asleep on the coach, and when he woke up he found a peanut lying next to him. How that peanut got there, he does not know, but Rick was hungry, so he figured he’d eat this mysterious peanut. He cracked it open and it was rotten!!! Guess what reader, Rick ate the peanut anyway!

After eating that disgusting excuse for a peanut, Rick felt really awful, worse then before he ate the peanut. Rick got his car keys, hopped in the car, and went to go see Doc Pickles.

Doc Pickles examined Rick, and told him that he was as healthy as a horse, and sent him back home.

The next day Rick died and went to heaven.

In heaven Rick had to wait his turn to meat St. Peter, before he could officially enter through the Pearly Gates. Rick’s turn came and as he was walking through the Gate, St. Pete said,

“Hold it Rick! I’m sorry to inform you, but you can’t come in.”

“O.M.G. Why?!?!?!,” exclaimed Rick. St. Peter responded with, “ Well man, that little display of taking the Lords name in vain and the fact that you died of rather foolish causes. So !” And with that, Rick was kicked out of heaven.

Then, *gasp* can you believe it? Rick woke up!!! As it turns out he was just having a dream!!! Praise the Lord and shout Hallelujah people, because Rick lives on!!!

Upon waking up, Rick really did find a peanut. Because of his dream he was a little wary of peanuts and left it alone.

Later on that year, good ol’ Doc Pickles diagnosed Rick with peanut allergies. To this day that peanut next to the sofa remains. Rick put some caution tape around it and doesn’t even dare touch the thing.

By Thinker 1... a VERY long time ago...


  1. THIS. WAS. AWESOME!!! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness! :D I loved this!

    1. ... sorry but there was a discussion between myself and RT2 JUST YESTERDAY about this story. So I suspect you're RT2. If not, I'm sorry, and thank you for your thoughts. But if you ARE RT2... -_- I'm on to you. xD

    2. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, cross my heart and hope to die! :D This is Emma. :)

    3. ahhh I see xD *facepalm* so sorry there.


You have the freedom of speech which means you can say what you like. But we have the freedom to delete nastiness. So watch what you say ;)