Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Life's Trials

Okay, so we're writing a book and we're super excited! The basic story plot is done, but we're still knocking out the kinks. I'm an over compulsive editor and will let NO ONE see it until it is FINISHED COMPLETELY. We will not be posting the actual story any time soon, but we will be talking it up!

Our novel is a mixture between Pride and Prejudice, North and South (not the Patrick Swazey movie), some awesome songs (are you gonna kiss me or not, crazy girl, bohemian rhapsody, he didn't have to be, sharp dressed man, I'm only me when I'm with you,... ect. ) that happened to come on the radio at exactly the right time, Bible verses,many Proverbs and James, and a TON of our own creativity.

We do have a meaning to our story. What we're trying to say with it is basically:
Life's not all candy and roses. It's a winding and twisting trail with pot holes and wild flowers along the way. Life is an adventure, there will be joy, sorrow, hilarious and boring moments. Everybody has different trials and different sorrows unexpectedly thrown at them. Some are great and some are small. Loving and Trusting sincerely, honestly, unconditionally can make our real world like a fairy tale.... it's all about the attitude. It's up to you to let them get you down or make you stronger.

This book shows the lives of two young couples, at the turn of the century, and is demonstrating the trials that normal couples might face in real life. These two couples are completely different but at the same time they are the same. One guy is brooding, big, people see him and cross the street, he has a past; but one girl sees through all his hard and stern walls and sees the real man underneath. The other guy is just one of those fun loving guys with a sweet temperament and MONEY! He's like the comic relief that everyone sees as the older brother. He's exactly what he seems to be. One girl is the one that every guy has a mini crush on, but sees as a sister; she has no idea that half the town's men are in love with her. She's just genuinely sweet.  She's always happy, but she's not completely what she seems to be; something interesting... (don't want to give it away) happened to her. The other girl is a fiery red head with a temper, a quick tongue and strong beliefs. If you've made her mad, you will know and she will put you in your place. She has no fear and can be a little rebellious at times, BUT once you get past her standoffish outer shell, she can be really a nice person. If she doesn't scare you away at first. She is very protective of her family and those she loves. Other characters include the town flirt, a rich guy who nobody can stand and he's WEIRD, a awesome sisterly school teacher, a string of annoying ex fiance's, and a murderous villain (-gasp!- ...well we HAD to add SOME spice to our story). 

Hahah that's it! We'll be posting little tid bits about our story that keep you on edge, watch out for them! :D


  1. wow that sounds awesome! it will be interesting to see how this turns out

  2. Thank you for commenting and maybe one day you'll see it in a store.


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