Friday, June 17, 2011

Video Games

Okay... I'm not the MOST educated gamer out there, so I'm gonna need a little help. I've got songs, movies, books, jokes, riddles, sayings, quotes, random tid bits about junk, all covered but can some people help me out with the video game part of this blog? I need to provide something of the sorts for my gamer followers. Can y'all help me? Respond if you have any advice or suggestions, please. :D
-Thinker 1 (Think 1)


  1. Zoo Tycoon is a favorite PC game of mine. The first, Zoo Tycoon, is pretty good. You can care for regular zoo animals and marine animals and dinos. The game also has challenge modes to test your zoo keeping skills.(game might still be sold at Wal-Mart). The second, Zoo Tycoon 2, is even better! Much more detailed graphics and a lot more interaction. Zoo tycoon 2 is the absolute perfect animal game to have if you like to get down close to dinos, tigers, and dolphins. Much more to do and more fun challenge modes.( This one might not be available at a Wal-Mart)


  2. I used to have it for my Nintendo DS. hmmm I wonder what happened to it?

  3. thank you Beau!!! :D:D:D For other readers... check out this place if you like video games and things mario related -

  4. You're welcome!!! Thanks for checking out my blogs!!



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