Friday, June 17, 2011

Splish Splash Summer!

It's summer! No more school! Who's going swimming? What do you look forward to most about the summer? For me, it's the ice cream and the free time, the heat, the chance to hang out with friends with no school work hanging over your head.

What I don't like about summer is also some of my favorite things about it. Funny eh? One of my favorite things is the heat... but sometimes I don't care for it, especially when the air conditioning goes out in the house and car! Ugh, no amount of short shorts and tank tops can make it less unbearable. That is why I just love ice cream. It chills you to the core no matter how hot it is.

What I do love is the sun! It's bright and sheds light on the earth eluminating it with warm cheer! But I think it hates me. I know that's silly, but sometimes the sun just hates me. I can never get a tan! Does anybody else have this issue? Always getting burnt and are forever pink throughout the summer. Not fun at all! Then, to take the pain away you have to drench yourself in that jelly creamy stuff that sticks to your clothing and is incredibly uncomfortable. Well, here's a little trick for you burners. If you go out into the sun for a long time you know you should wear sunscreen, but when you come back in, you should take about two Advil or ibuprofen with some water. It cuts back on the swelling, and even though you'll still be a little pink, you won't feel the awful sting of the burn and you'll have a nice tan once the pink dies away! Cool huh? Now you can enjoy the heat of the day and not be miserable in your skin! :D Sunscreen and Motrin are my favorite words.

Something else I love about summers is the smell of the beach and the feel of cool water on your skin. Whenever I hear the word summer I think of a sunny, colorful, tropical beach and I get the sudden urge to dance to a Jimmy Buffet tune!
Swimming! Swimming is so fun! Kick your feet like a fish and make a splash!
Don't let the heat get to you and enjoy your summer readers! Make it a watery one! I hope you won't get too burnt and that you have an unforgettable sunny blast!
-Thing 1

Summer and Swimmer Quotes
  • “California girls. We’re unforgettable. Daisy Dukes. Bikinis on top.”— Katy Perry (lyrics)
  • “Some beach somewhere, there’s a big umbrella casting shade over an empty chair. Palm trees are growing, warm breezes blowing. I picture myself there, some beach somewhere.”- Blake Shelton (Lyrics)
  • “Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They’re shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they’re gone.”— The Notebook (movie)
  • “Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet."— Bob Marley
  • “Belly tops, flip flops, Lemonade, in the shade, Blue skies, hot guys, Late nights, water fights, Ice creams, sweet dreams, Bathing suits, shooting hoops, Party time, schools out, Sleeping in, sneaking out, Summer’s coming…”
  • H2O: two parts Heart and one part Obsession.
  • Chlorine is my perfume.
  • Seventy-five percent of our planet is water - can you swim?
  • What goes around comes around, just like a flip turn.
  • He who burns his bridges better be a REALLY good swimmer.
  • Chlorine: the breakfast of champions!
  • Well, me don't swim too tough so me don't go in the water too deep. ~Bob Marley
  • It's been told that swimming is a wimp sport, but I don't see it. We don't get timeouts, in the middle of a race we can't stop and catch our breath, we can't roll on our stomachs and lie there, and we can't ask for a substitution.
  • If you go parachuting, and your parachute doesn't open, and you friends are all watching you fall, I think a funny gag would be to pretend you were swimming.
  • Early morning wake up call
    Squeeze into suit that's way too small
    Drive for hours to the pool
    Dive in the water, don't we look cool?
    Warm ups over, must stretch out
    Someone's up, ready to shout?
    You're up next, clear your mind
    What it's all about you must find
    On the blocks ready to dive in
    This event you must win
    Pull, pull, pull, kick, kick, kick
    The easy road you musn't pick
    You're in the lead, don't look now
    You just touched first, holy cow!
    You tried your hardest, it was fun
    Can you believe it? You just won
  • Take me out to the swim meet
    take me out to the crowd
    buy me some goggles and Gatorade
    I don’t care if I never get back
    and its route, route, route for the home team if they don’t win its a shame for its one... two...DQ's your out at the Old swim meet!"
  • You know you're a swimmer if...
    ~Packing for vacation includes a trip to the locker room
    ~You have never experienced what they call an off season
    ~When coach has practice at 7am you are excited cause u get to sleep in
    ~You have permanent raccoon eyes
    ~You consider it perfectly normal to wear swim suits with holes in them
    ~You go through the economy size bottle of shampoo and conditioner weekly
    ~People walk up to you in random places and say "We smelled chlorine and so we thought the pool was around here somewhere." You reply, NO thats just my new perfume
    ~You live on a diet of Gatorade and Sweedish Fish
    ~Guys in Speedos just loose their attractiveness "
  • I don't do lawns, I do yards

Check the right side of the blog for a summer song playlist! :D

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