Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Combover or Toup?

The following is provided by Huffpost Entertainment:
|It's long been a mystery, how Trump manages to create the unique coif that is half combover, half Davy Crockett cap. In an effort to somehow expand his profile, he's finally revealed his hair care secrets, giving an overview of the long process to Rolling Stone.
"OK, what I do is, wash it with Head and Shoulders. I don't dry it, though. I let it dry by itself," Trump said. "It takes about an hour. Then I read papers and things... I also watch TV. I love Fox, I like Morning Joe, I like that the Today show did a beautiful piece on me yesterday — I mean, relatively speaking."
So, first few steps: shampooing, air drying, and reading about himself. Check.
"OK, so I've done all that. I then comb my hair. Yes, I do use a comb," he confirms. "Do I comb it forward? No, I don't comb it forward. I actually don't have a bad hairline. When you think about it, it's not bad. I mean, I get a lot of credit for comb-overs. But it's not really a comb-over. It's sort of a little bit forward and back. I've combed it the same way for years. Same thing, every time."
So, as it turns out, that's just the way his hair is. It's no special effort to get its unique shape -- but then, a rare lack of vanity prevents him from changing it, despite the decades of catcalls.|

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