Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Christmas Quiz!

Happy Christmahanukwanza! For those who don't celebrate Christmas, what do you do over your break? :D I DO celebrate Christmas, so here is a little questionair I threw together! :) I hope you enjoy and that at least a handful of you will reply to this! 

Mini Christmas Quiz
My answers (Random Thinker 1)

Favorite Christmas song? I want a Hipoppotomus (heavens me, I can't spell this word! And spell check is giving me strange choices, soooooo you're required to interpret what that word is! :D Lol)  for Christmas! :D It's such an adorable song. 

Favorite Christmas movie? THE CHRISTMAS STORY!!! :D You'll shoot your eye out! :D 

Best part of Christmas? I think the best part is the traditions that each family enjoy. My favorite part is when we all gather around and open our presents and wrappings and papers fly everywhere in one big storm of festivity. Everyone is so happy. I love it! 

Least favorite part of Christmas? My least favorite part is when I tear away the paper of that last package. The sinking feeling I get that this is THE. LAST. ONE... for a full year. Then I'm happy again and enjoy my gift! :D 

Favorite Christmas gift you received? By far.... the Barnes and Nobel Gift Card from a relative I didn't even know I had (John... still don't know ya buddy!). Lol big families = a litttlleee confusion over the holidays. 

Least favorite Christmas gift? Yes, I enjoy getting socks. SOOO my least favorite would have to be getting bed sheets... and then seeing that another person got better bed sheets and in a way cooler color :/ I don't want bed sheets for Christmas! That's a hey-this-was-on-sale-and-I-got-them-for-you-randomly gift that you give on a random Tuesday in like... March.  

What is your dream gift for Christmas? You know in those car commercials that they put those huge bow's on the cars!? I WANT ONE OF THOSE BOW'S!!! The car would be very wickedly awesome too... but man one of those gigantar bows would be pretty beast.

Do u like to put up the Christmas tree? Yes, yes I do.

Favorite kind of candy cane? THE BLUEBERRY ONES!!! :D YOU GET BLUE LIPS!

Do u like wrapping presents? Yes! :D I love wrapping presents. I tend to label them to people with their nicknames... Chuck Norris... you know who you are ;) 

Do you prefer , wrapped presents , gift bags or cash? I prefer a little bit of all three. :) I like variety, but wrapped is always fun. 

Favorite store to shop at for Christmas? Oh wowzers! Hm... well Khols and Target are SUPERFRAGELISTICALLY AWESOME on Black Friday, but Barnes and Nobel is also fun. 

What is your favorite Christmas character?( in a movie, ) RALPHIE!!! :D And The Jim Carey Grinch. 


  1. I do celebrate Christmas.
    Jingle Bells
    Miracle on 34th Street -and- Jim Carey's "How the Grinch Stole Christmas
    Tradition: Visiting, Eating, Opening Presents, and the Best part; Watching Football
    Least favorite: Cleaning up
    Best Christmas Present: Joe Montana Autographed Helmet
    Worst: Cash
    Dream Present: Super Bowl Tickets
    Christmas Tree; Yes
    Favorite Store: NFL Classifieds and the NFL Collectibles and Memorabilia

  2. Thank you for your response NFL Coach! TheThinker team would appreciate it if you would follow and share our blog!



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