Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What's Your Hunger Games Name?

How about those names for the Hunger Games, eh? TOO COOL! Now you can have your own freakishly awesome name! :D Forget Anne, Paul, Jack, Suzan, Florence, let's see what interesting name you can come up with! :D 
1) Write down the second syllable of your middle name.
  • If you do not have a middle name – what is wrong with you?  How did you know when your parents were mad at you?  Anyway, you should use the second syllable of your first name.
  • If your middle name is only one syllable, you may use the second syllable of your last name.
  • If none of your names have more than one syllable, your parents obviously read the children’s book Tikki-Tikki-Tembo, and you may use any syllable you like from Tikki-Tikki-Tembo-No-Sa-Rembo-Chari-Bari-Ruchi-Pip-Peri-Pembo’s name.

2) Write down the name of a plant.
3) If you are a female above the age of 30, write down the word “less.”  If you are a female under the age of 30, write down the word “met.”  If you are a man of any age, A) welcome! and B) write down the word “petra.”
4) Write down the first initial of the last name of your favorite English teacher from school.
5) Write down one simple action verb (i.e. “run,” “jump,” etc)
Now, get your results!!
Combine the answer from #1 with the answer from #3.  That is your first name.
Your middle initial is the answer to #4.
Your last name is your answer to #5 with your answer to #2 added to the end.
My Hunger Games name is . . .{drumroll, please} . . . Sephmet B. Waltzlilly  (ooo... I sorta like this)!


  1. Hahaha . . . Lizmet S. Hopforgetmenot. I have a long last name. :D

  2. My name would be Lormet B. Swimsage:)

  3. After following these directions, I got Imet W. Skipaloe :)

    1. Very nice. I like the last name the best! :)

    2. That's a great last name xD SKIPALOE! :D Love it!

  4. Lemet S. Kissrose
    Hmmmm... :)

  5. My name is Riemet M Rushalder... weird...

  6. Mine's Dismet I. Jumpprim


You have the freedom of speech which means you can say what you like. But we have the freedom to delete nastiness. So watch what you say ;)