Friday, January 6, 2012


In order to get our number of followers up, if you follow us, we follow back. The same thing goes for comments. If you have a blog, we will comment on yours, when you comment on our own.



  1. I'm an old follower, because of K12:)

  2. It is a deal! I am already a follower of this blog, too. My blog is called Totally My Tales. This is the link: Thanks! :)

  3. I would like to file a complaint. This post offered that if a reader followed this blog, the Thinker Team would follow back and if we commented, you would comment back. I have not gotten any recent post from the creators of this blog, and I have been commenting on this website. Random Thinker 2, I do not see your user name on my Follower's list. There is only Random Thinker 1's.

    1. I'm so sorry! :o We have dropped the ball and I'm humiliated. Be prepared for a lot of comments now.

    2. Kayla,

      I followed your blog, but for some reason it followed as mackingdom instead of RandomThinker2. I tried refollowing it as RT2, but it did it again as mackingdom.(Confusing I know) I think we may need to change it back to where we approve the comments because I feel they are getting lost in the mix. We are SO SO sorry.


  4. It is perfectly alright. I am sorry if it felt like I forced you on the deal.

    1. oh no no no no no! :D It's all great. We just have to be reminded sometimes. I like your blog by the way! :D

  5. Again, I am sorry about this. I overreacted. Random Thinker 2, it is weird how your follower's name will not change. I am sorry about this false accusation.


You have the freedom of speech which means you can say what you like. But we have the freedom to delete nastiness. So watch what you say ;)