Friday, January 13, 2012

FRIDAY THE 13TH DUH DUH DUH!!! eeahhhh!!!!!

Hello hello! I'm not a very superstitious person but Friday the 13th has always been fun for me! It's like a bonus Halloween or something! So, what's the history behind this day? What makes it soooo creepy?! I dunno, but if you fear it, you're a friggatriskaidekaphobia. Yeah, that's right, I totally just called you that. In Spanish-speaking countries, instead of Friday, Tuesday the 13th (martes trece) is considered a day of bad luck. This year of 2012 has two more Fri-13's to come! 

Oh and how on earth did I forget! THE MOVIE! Yup there are actually 12 films in the Friday the 13th franchise. They're due for a 13th!

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