Sunday, November 6, 2011

NaNoWriMo Progress

Heeeyyyy peoples! Turns out I CAN'T STAY AWAY FROM HERE! :D SO, I've decided to at least blog about my progress on NaNoWriMo.
For those of you who don't know what NaNoWriMo is, basically the goal/challenge is to write a novel/50,000 words in one month! If you reach the 50,000 word goal, then you win a t-shirt and your book in paperback form...HOW COOL IS THAT!!?!?!?
Now, how am I doing? PRETTY DERN GOOD, IF I MAY SAY SO MYSELF! I've reached 26,225 words. Do you know what that means? IT MEANS THAT I'M OVER HALF WAY DONNEEE!!! AND that I'm a writing spaz! According to my stats, if I continue at this writing frenzy rate I should be done on Friday. Ha...hahahah, yeah THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN! BUT I'm doing good for now!
Wanna know my secret for quick writing? VERY DETAILED OUTLINES! Multiple outlines. I created my characters MONTHS before this thing. I wrote out (in extreme detail) everything about my characters. Their personality, looks, physical traits, likes, dislikes, humor, quirks, personal history...ect. THEN I wrote out a very very very detailed outline of 15 chapters. I'm on chapter 7 by the way. AND if I thought of a neat scene or somebody said something that I thought would fit into my book... guess what... yup, I wrote it down! So if you want to write fast for NaNoWriMo in the future, write outines. The words will pour out of you!

Here is an excerpt from my second chapter called JUMP by Van Halen. Yeah, I named my chapters after songs xD

Across the front lobby was a scene that made Sophie’s eyes widen in surprise. Grace was struggling with Evie on one arm and Haley on the other. They were trying to drag her into an elevator without any success and convince the security guard that despite what it looked like, it was not what it looked like. 
“I promise sir, we really aren’t trying to harm her. We came all this way, and she’ll hate to miss the view. She’ll thank us for it later.” Haley was saying to the guard when Sophie approached them. 
“Get off of me!” Grace planted her feet and pulled Haley over her shoulder. 
The guard grabbed his radio. 
“Ouch!” Haley lay on her back glaring up at Grace’s disgruntled face. 
“Ma’am are you okay,” the guard asked. He seemed confused as to which woman he should be more concerned about. He didn’t know what to make of this situation. 
Grace gritted her teeth and struggled with Evie. 
“Look dude, they are my friends. They’re just trying to kill me.” Grace grunted when Evie grabbed her around the waste and pulled her a few inches closer to the elevator. 
“We are not trying to kill you!” Evie squeaked. Her air was cut off when Grace elbowed her in the ribs. 
“She just hates heights,” Haley explained. 
The guard gave them a suspicious glance. These women seemed harmless enough, despite their violence. They looked like regular tourists looking to enjoy the view of the Empire State Building. He turned and walked away, but kept them in the corner of his eye. 
“You haven’t gotten over your irrational fear of heights yet?” Sophie smiled, making sure the guard was still in earshot. 
“It’s not irrational, Sophie. It’s not irrational to desire to NOT fall off of a building and splatter on a sidewalk!” Grace almost broke away from Evie. Evie tackled her and dragged her by her ankles a few more inches to their open elevator. 
“It’s nice to see you too,” Sophie smiled. 
“Hey, Sophie!” Evie grinned as she pulled Grace’s arm back in a simple chicken wing. 
Haley walked over to Sophie and gave her a hug, “Hey! It’s been too long! We have to catch up after all of this.” 
“I know right?” Sophie agreed. 
“Have you seen the portrait I took of the President and first lady?” Haley asked. 
“Ohmigosh, YES! That was beautiful. Good job on landing the Personal-Photographer-to-the-Whitehouse-Residents job! Gosh,” Sophie congratulated. 
Haley beamed with pride. It’d been a hard job to land. 
“Come on Haley,” Evie grunted as Grace tried to shake herself free of Evie’s vice like grip. Grace’s impressive flexing muscles were showing off in her green pineapple t-shirt. Evie couldn’t hold her much longer and shot a cautious glance at the observing crowd that had started to form around them. 
“Oh, yeah,” Haley walked back over to their red-faced friend. 
Evie tightened her grip and pulled with as much force she could muster. Haley gave Grace a good shove, sending her a few more inches in the direction they were going. The elevator door closed and Evie mumbled an expletive. 
“Would you stop standing around and help us!” Haley groaned over her shoulder toward Sophie. 
Sophie took her hands out of her pockets and grabbed an ankle. Haley took hold of Grace’s other ankle and they both lifted. With Grace fully off the ground, the group moved quickly and had her in the elevator in no time. 
When the doors shut, the women dropped Grace and she fell flat on her face. She jumped back up and Sophie and Evie dived out of the way. Haley wasn’t fast enough and Grace landed a wicked right hook on Haley’s jaw. Haley rubbed her jaw, pulled out a syringe from her leather backpack/purse/satchel thingy and stabbed it into Grace’s neck. Grace fell limp into Evie’s arms and her eyes fluttered shut, her muscles relaxed. 
“How long does this last?” Sophie questioned. 
“Long enough to get her up there,” Haley said rubbing her tender jaw. Grace had hit her good. 
Evie set Grace down, leaning her up against the wall.


  1. Would you like it if I commented on the story?

  2. Sure, feel free to comment. I'd appreciate it. Just don't be too mean xD


You have the freedom of speech which means you can say what you like. But we have the freedom to delete nastiness. So watch what you say ;)