Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rick Astley- Never Gonna Give You Up

You've all been Rickrolled! Bahahah... anyways, moving on! How many people actually know who Rick Astley is? I certainly wasn't part of that elite group who knew his name right off the bat. I heard his name mentioned in a tv show and I was like, "WHO?!" So I googled him... got nothing, if you're like me and skimmed through Wikipedia, you'll get squat. One day I was going through a list of popular 80's songs and found RICK ASTLEY'S NAME! :D I thought, "hmmm that song looks familiar." And it was a song I've known for a while. Who knew that deep voice could come from that little guy!? Look at this crazy 80's video to find out who Rick Astley is and enjoy a tune by him! How many of you knew this song already? -raises hand- ...who dances like him? -raises hand slightly and tries to hide it from everyone's view-

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