Thursday, November 3, 2011


ohhhhkkkkaayyyy.... um... so I got this email telling me about blogger dynamic and for some reason I thought I should apply it to THIS blog. BAD IDEA! Well it screwed the layout of everything up and now the blog looks like THIS! If you want it to stay this way, let me know, if you want it back to the way it was before, please tell me! :D
....annd this is why RandomThinker 1 is not aloud to design the blog. Once again...SORRY!



  1. Thank you //\\//\\3. I've seen that you comment a lot on our blog. I'd like to personally thank you for being a good follower. Just one question. Have you signed onto our blog as a member? I don't see your name on the followers list. I'd really appreciate it if you could join the followers thingy and become a member.
    Thank you so much for being the best! :D


You have the freedom of speech which means you can say what you like. But we have the freedom to delete nastiness. So watch what you say ;)