Thursday, February 23, 2012

30 days of Hunger Games Challenge!

We will be taking the Hunger Games challenge and posting it each day. Tomorrow we will start Day 1. Feel free to join us!
Day 1: Your favorite character:
Day 2 Your least favorite character:
Day 3: A character you hate that everyone loves:
Day 4: A character you love that everyone hates:
Day 5: Your favorite fight/battle scene:
Day 6: A scene that made you laugh:
Day 7: A scene that made you cry:
Day 8: The character you are most like:
Day 9: Your favorite quote:
Day 10: Peeta or Gale:
Day 11: Something you hate about the series:
Day 12: A character you wish hadn't died:
Day 13: A character you wish had died:
Day 14: Your favorite tribute (aside from Peeta/Katniss):
Day 15: Your least favorite tribute (aside from Peeta/Katniss):
Day 16: A question you wish had been answered in the book:
Day 17: The worst death:
Day 18: A song that reminds you of the series:
Day 19: Your favorite pairing:
Day 20: Your least favorite pairing:
Day 21: A pairing you don't get:
Day 22: Your favorite book of the three:
Day 23: Your favorite secondary character:
Day 24: Your least favorite secondary character:
Day 25: Your dream cast:
Day 26: Your favorite scene in The Hunger Games:
Day 27: Your favorite scene in Catching Fire:
Day 28: Your favorite scene in Mockingjay:
Day 29: Your favorite thing about the entire series:
Day 30: A book/series that you would rec to fellow fans

From: This blog


  1. Ahh! Great idea Thinker 2!!! I can't wait to get started on this.

  2. I love this!!! I cant believe its only a month until the movie! Such a great book, i hope the movie can live up to it!

    1. Me too! :D I hope the ACTORS can handle this. And the director is good. I'd hate to see it be a flop.

    2. Ahh I know! This better not be a letdown!

  3. I am still finding the first book at my library, and now a movie is coming out! This is just like Harry Potter and Twilight for me all over again (Those books and movies are banned from my house). Boy, do I feel left out. I sooo want to read the book. I heard that it is great.

    1. IT IS SOOO GOOD. I was put on a waiting list at my library and after three months of waiting and RT2 telling me how good it was EVERY SINGLE DAY, I just decided to buy the box set. It was not a let down. The books are great :D

      Here is a site where you can download it for free-

      Here are the first few pages-

      I hope you enjoy it! :D

  4. Thank you very much, Random Thinker 1! Now I'll know for sure what everyone is talking about. :)

  5. I was not able to download the book, due to a "claim by SBC Global", But the first part of the story that I read on Scholastic was THRILLING!! Maybe I should by the book. Thank you very much. :)

    1. Oh I'm so sorry. But I highly recommend buying the books :D It is just as big as Twilight and Harry Potter. You won't regret buying them. I got all three of $30 from Barnes and

      I hope it all works out! :D

  6. I think I will buy the books. Thanks again. :)


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