Friday, February 24, 2012

Hunger Games Challenge - Day 1(Thinker 1& 2)

Day 1: Your favorite character

Thinker 2- My favorite would have to be Katniss Everdeen.

She is constantly brave and strong. She is also loving and caring. I also believe she would do ANYTHING for her family. (Exemplified in book one) She also has excellent survival skills. 

Thinker 1- Okay I have two. First,  HAYMITCH!!!! :D
A creep drunk? Perhaps... but he has reason and he did help Katniss and Peeta through the Hunger Games. He's funny, sarcastic, has a great catch line, "Sweetheart". Now my second favorite character, well...he's probably my first, would have to be Peeta. I liked him in ALL the books. He's sweet, caring, sticks to his guns, makes bread and cake , he's funny, and sometimes clumsy. I mean, Peeta is a man's man AND he bakes. He's wise and good with crowds. Can you say he won my heart over? can SHOUT IT!!! Peeta is best.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am commenting on all of your Hunger Games posts... This is what happens when I go away for a while. People post things and I feel a need to comment on them. haha
    Anyway, I love all three of the ones you guys mentioned, but honestly I think my favorite character might be Thresh or Rue. Thresh is just... well, in the words of Haymitch, a "sweetheart". I love him. :-) And of course Rue... *sobs* she is awesome. :-)


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