Monday, February 13, 2012

Top 10 Swoony quotes I quote all the time

In the spirit of Valentines day I've decided to give the top 10 quotes that I quote all the time that could be deemed as romantic, dorky or a little bit of both :) So here they are, and not necessarily in this order.

1. What's Happenin Hot Stuff?- I say this one all the time. Especially if I'm hanging upside down on something. I can't help it.

2. You've bewitched me, body and soul- Oh Mr. Darcy... you have bewitched me! But I don't just say it to him the whole time I'm watching Pride and Prejudice. I usually quote this one when I've found something that I like. Example: *Eating a pan of pie* *sigh* ...oh pie... you've bewitched me, body and soul.

3. Nobody puts baby in a corner!- heheheehh this quote for some reason just always makes me laugh. You have to say it with gusto, and a boisterous voice. I say it because I want to say and sometimes I say it because it actually works. Like when somebody puts me in the corner to work on something... I mumble -_- "nobody puts baby in a corner!"

4. Badly done [Emma]! BADLY DONE!- I say this to whoever is doing bad xD Or if somebody got a bad grade on a paper. Or I mutter it to myself when I know I've done something wrong. Why? Because it reminds me of Mr. Knightly! My favorite Jane Austen hero EVER! He said this to Emma right after he realized he loved her and she had insulted Miss Bates.

5. I love you, you idiot!- I say it to all those people that I love :) They understand what I'm saying. I got it from Gilmore Girls. Rory said it because Dean was stomping away and she's all, "I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT!" and he stops dead in his tracks.

6. I can never get over what you've done to me- I don't remember where I got this one. I think it's from a song though. Whenever I say this one, I'm completely serious and it's when somebody I love has stolen from me... like a pinch of food from my plate, or my blanket while I'm watching a movie.

7. My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you- UP! Love that movie!!! I can't see a squirrel without pointing out and saying, "SQUIRREL!!!" and I can never spell "squirrel" right on the first try -_- anyways! I say this one to those people I'll never see again :) *in the hall of a big building* *see's a person* *walks up and says in all seriousness* "My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you." *turns on heel and get's lost in the crowd*

8. Have you not noticed the color of this fruit?- Oh North and South! HOW I LOVE YOU! :D Mr. Thornton says this to Margaret right before he proposes to her and then she declines him with a hearty and firm NO. (I can never forgive her for breaking his heart). Anyways, me and those close to me will quote that line whenever we see a bowl of fruit.

9. I love you. Now you set my soul on fire. It is not just a little spark. It is a flame; a big roaring flame. I can feel it now...- This is one I reserve JUST for my family and very close friends. If I said it to anyone else they'd think I'm crazy if they didn't already. I say this, and people know that I love them... because they say it back! 

10. I LOVE YOU MORE!- Is the on going battle between me and my Grandmother. She says, "I love you." I say "I love you more." and back and forth :) so sweet. Until... Disney's Rapunzel had it said between the evil lady and the poor Rapunzel. Now the conversations go like this: "I love you." "I love you more" "I love you most" "Don't cut off my hair and try to throw me out of a tower!" :D 

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